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Effective Tax Rate: Calculations, Implications, and Policies

The Effective Tax Rate (ETR) provides innovative ways to evaluate the actual tax burden on businesses or individuals, as it considers all taxes paid relative to total income or profits. This helps in understanding the real impact of taxation beyond statutory tax rates.

It also clarifies changes in the applicable tax rates compared to the previous accounting period.

How to Calculate the Effective Tax Rate?

Effective Tax Rate =
Total Tax Expense
Earnings Before Taxes

1- Total tax expenses include current and deferred tax expenses.

2- The calculation of the ETR will be based on carrying values under the accounting standards IAS 12 & EAS 24

How Effective Do Tax Rates Impact Businesses?

Low Effective Tax Rate: You pay a smaller percentage of your income in taxes. This could be due to various factors like:

  • Tax Brackets: You might be in a lower tax bracket where the marginal tax rate (the rate for your income level) is low.
  • Deductions and Credits: You qualify for deductions that reduce your taxable income or tax credits that directly lower your tax bill.

A lower ETR can make a country or region more attractive to foreign businesses looking to invest. This can bring in new capital, technology, and expertise, further boosting the economy.

High Effective Tax Rate: You pay a larger percentage of your income in taxes. This could happen because:

  • Tax Brackets: You fall into a higher tax bracket with a steeper marginal tax rate.
  • Limited Deductions/Credits: You don’t qualify for many deductions or credits that could lower your tax burden.

High effective tax rates can make a country less competitive compared to others with lower rates. Businesses may choose to locate elsewhere, leading to job losses and a decline in economic activity.

The impact of the ETR can vary depending on the industry. For example, research-intensive industries might be more affected by tax changes that impact their ability to invest in R&D.

What are the Relationships Between Effective Tax Rates and Governmental Policy?

  • Tax Policy: The government sets tax rates, brackets, deductions, and credits. These all directly impact the effective tax rate that individuals and businesses pay. By adjusting these levers, the government can influence how much revenue it collects and incentivize certain behaviors (like investment).
  • Tax Administration: Efficient tax collection minimizes loopholes and ensures everyone pays their fair share. This helps the government maintain a predictable revenue stream based on the established effective tax rates.

Effective Tax Rate’s Influence on Governmental Policy:

  • Revenue Generation: Effective tax rates determine how much tax revenue the government collects. This money is used to fund public services, infrastructure, and social programs. A lower effective tax rate might mean less revenue, potentially forcing the government to cut spending or find alternative sources of income.
  • Economic Growth: As discussed earlier, a lower effective tax rate can incentivize business investment and growth. This can lead to a more robust economy, which in turn generates more tax revenue over time, even at a lower rate. It’s a potential upside of a strategic tax policy.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Finding the Balance: Governments need to find a balance between collecting enough revenue for essential services and maintaining a tax structure that doesn’t stifle economic activity. This can be a complex task with ongoing debates about the optimal effective tax rate.
  • Fairness and Equity: Effective tax rates can raise questions of fairness. A system with many loopholes or deductions might benefit the wealthy more, potentially creating an uneven playing field. The government might aim to design a system with a progressive structure where the effective tax rate increases with income to ensure a more equitable distribution of the tax burden.


Effective tax rate is a key metric for businesses and governments. Understanding its impact is crucial for informed decision-making on tax policy and economic development strategies, expanding businesses, minimizing risks, Identifying the industries that benefit most from economic and tax incentives, and comparing business results between different industries in any fiscal year.

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Mohamed Shaaban - Senior Tax

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